Corporate Wellness

Corporate Wellness Programs

In business, you always prioritize the well-being of the company, whether it be through finances, marketing, or even networking. Why not keep that same mentality when it comes to the well-being of your employees? With the added assistance of Corporate Wellness Programs, you can encourage behaviors that allow your employees to reduce their health risks and stress and improve their quality of life. A Company Wellness Program can boost productivity, increase employee retention, and even reduce healthcare costs.

What Can I Find in a Corporate Wellness Program?

Typically, a Corporate Wellness Program includes various activities and incentives that employees can incorporate into their work schedules. Everyday activities include fitness contests, paid time off for health screenings, brief walking breaks, group fitness activities, and much more.

A lady exercising on a yoga ball
A girl in office wear eating a tomato slice and smiling

How to Begin Developing a Corporate Wellness Program

To introduce an employee wellness program, you start with management. It’s vital to set up a wellness committee of research dietitians, like the Dietitian Group. We can assist in developing a customized program and help you manage the program for your company and employees.

How Do I Start a Small Business Wellness Program?

How can you create a plan that will benefit your employees without sacrificing productivity? Start small, introduce things slowly, and keep incentives practical. You can always add new activities and bigger perks as you go to encourage and maintain employee participation.

What are the Benefits of a Wellness Program?

About 70% of the medical costs in the United States are due to lifestyle-related chronic diseases. These are usually due to smoking habits, poor diet, sleep deprivation, and alcohol consumption. A good wellness program suggests alternatives to these habits or ways to minimize old ones, and community participation can also help motivate employees to stick with it.

Employees doing yoga

Corporate Exercise Programs

Programs that benefit wellness will vary on the business. Most companies will at least provide educational resources with nutrition information to improve employee diets. Some even go the next step to provide nutritious snacks in the break room or sponsor healthy lunches. You can also encourage physical activities to increase mobility by scheduling walking breaks and providing a gym or exercise room.

A group of people sitting in a circle and one man giving a presentation on whiteboard

Employee Health and Wellness

Wellness programs aren’t limited to physical and diet health. Some can also support emotional and mental health. Bringing in speakers and licensed specialists can offer perspective and guidance to your employees. You can add meditation programs, helpful breathing exercises, and some stress management sessions. Not only will this help improve your employee’s mental health, but it can allow them to work with a clear and stable mind, optimizing productivity even more.

A woman holding a small dumbbell and smiling at the laptop

Well-being at Work

One of the best things about company-wide well-being programs is the support you can get from your coworkers. Social support from peers encourages participation in the program, and managers and corporate officials can become part of the solution, thus boosting employee confidence. Encourage participation through recognition by personally congratulating participating employees.

A group of people sitting in a circle and one man giving a presentation on whiteboard

Employee Well-being Initiatives

Offering incentives for accomplishing wellness goals can motivate employees to participate and give them that extra drive to finish. Successful examples of incentives include:

  • Cash Rewards
  • Paid Time Off
  • Health Insurance Rebates
  • Gift Card Perks
  • Company Merchandise

What Makes a Great Employee Wellness Program?

Our registered dietitians can tailor your Corporate Wellness Program to fit the needs of your business. We can provide nutrition education, assist with menu development options, educate employees on the importance of paying attention to nutrition facts, and create food plans that work for individual needs. We’ll work with you to determine the needs of your business and how to develop a program that will meet those needs. Our dietitians will meet with you, process through an intake assessment, and then create a Corporate Wellness Plan that works.

When it comes to the overall well-being of your company, it’s vital to prioritize the health and well-being of your employees. Implementing a Corporate Wellness Program within benefits your workers’ mental and physical fitness, which in turn benefits the company. Reach out to Dietitians Group to learn more about how you can use our specialized services within your organization!

A lady smiling at the camera with folded arms